Article |
Article name |
Approximation of Atomic Scattering Factor in a Crystal Lattice Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Theory |
Authors |
Sidorov A.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, a-a-sidorov@yandex.ruKholodovsky V.Y. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, a-a-sidorov@yandex.ruKulchenkov Y.A. Senior teacher, Department of General Physics, a-a- |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Scientific Research |
538.9В |
Article type |
Annotation |
We describe a new method of finding an approximate function of the atomic scattering
factor for the atoms in the crystal structure, which meets a requirement for the physical
meaning of the concept of smoothing fhkl-curve.
Key words |
electron density, atomic scattering factor, crystal lattice |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Approximation of Atomic Scattering Factor in a Crystal Lattice Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Theory |