Article name Dispersion Relations for Solid Solution Crystals with CsCl Structure
Authors Kholodovsky V.Y. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Krayushkina E.Y. Postgraduate Student,,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 534.1
Article type
Annotation Using a previously developed method, a dynamic model for the crystal structure of CsCl type is constructed. The model takes into account the interactions between the atoms of the first two coordination spheres. Based on experimental data on neutron scattering, calculations of the dispersion curves and elastic constants for crystal solid solutions of NiAl, ZnCu and FeAl are made.
Key words crystal lattice, dynamic model, interatomic interaction, dispersion curves, elastic constants.
Article information
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Full articleDispersion Relations for Solid Solution Crystals with CsCl Structure