Article |
Article name |
Models of Network Distributed Career Development System of Experts in the Sphere of Education (International Рractices) |
Authors |
Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, dugarova_dc@mail.ruPurbuev N.P. Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Actual models of advanced training of pedagogical or training community experts are described
in the article. These models are applied at the university community on the basis of networking
cooperation: the award-bearing model is applied in the sphere of education; the deficit model is intended for the correction of some weak points or mistakes in an expert’s activity; the cascade model;
the standard-based model demonstrates value of some definite skills which are defined in national
standards and inseparably connected with practices of coherence standards achievement; the guidance
or coaching model actualizing the value of interpersonal relationships between the two experts;
the model which is called by the foreign researches as “the community of practice model” which is
training within the framework of the community on the basis of practice; the action research model as
the kind of advanced training of academic component of an expert’s competence; the transformative
model determined by system and deep changes in training system; the social capital model means
that any qualitative education or training without doubt includes interaction and discussion with colleagues
and points up the fact that in the course of a rather long expert’s career such an interaction
becomes intentionally meaningful for the changing staff.
It is revealed that experts using the modeling potential of the above mentioned advanced training
instruments during all their lives improve themselves and form their own unique set of knowledge
and practices which can be defined as personal practical knowledge.
In the case of the establishment or formation of Russian expert community all described practices
ofthe advanced training as independent or integrated into other models of advanced training will
make contribution into enrichment of the national system.
Key words |
sphere of education, career development system, network model, international practices
or foreign experience, national model of education. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Models of Network Distributed Career Development System of Experts in the Sphere of Education (International Рractices) |