Article |
Article name |
The Use of Motivational Approach in Assessment of the Economic Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai |
Authors |
Ovanesyan S.S. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Ovanesan@isea.ruLomako V.E. Professor, VELomako@mail.ruCherkharova N.I. Candidate of Engineering Science, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.012 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article includesevaluation of the economic potential of Zabaikalsky krai based on the motivational
approach in which the current state of economic complex and its development prospects
are evaluated through determination of motivation to any economic activity. Taxes are the only instrument
of economic management of economic activity. Their action is based on the creation of
specific incentives aimed at achievement of the desired goals. The original method of analysis of the
regional national economic complex which is based on the numerical determination of motivation of
enterprises-taxpayers is proposed by the authors. This method can be used as an instrument of economic
analysis of economic activity which is implemented under the effect of tax pressure. Economic
indicators are estimated according to the main economic activities of Zabaikalsky krai. The results of
the analysis of the regional national economic complex can be used by the government in elaboration
of development strategy of the region.
Key words |
taxpayers’ motivation, coefficient of motivation in taxation. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Use of Motivational Approach in Assessment of the Economic Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai |