Article |
Article name |
Sociological Models of Profession Phenomenon Conceptualization |
Authors |
Martjanova N.A. Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article is devoted to the analysis of different sociological models of profession conceptualization
as a complicated and contradictory social phenomenon. Special attention is paid tounderstanding
of the term ‘profession’ and factors of a profession involvement in the social system.
First of all, the author refers to the most popular sociologists’ approaches to the interpretation
of the profession as a social institution and the social community represented in the works of the
classics of sociology, such as G. Spenser, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, T. Parsons, R. Merton, etc. The
profession phenomenon is also explained by the concepts of “imaginary community”, “subculture”,
“social relations and networks”. In modern interpretation professions are characterized as “network
communities”. One of the variants of “a synthetic model” of the profession including the most important
criteria of reference to a profession is also presented.
The article reviews both formal and informal, latent aspects of professional activity.
Key words |
profession, professional community, social institute, social group, subculture, socialinteractions. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Sociological Models of Profession Phenomenon Conceptualization |