Article |
Article name |
Comprehension of Loneliness Phenomenon as a Social Phenomenon |
Authors |
Mikhailova A.I. Postgraduate Student,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.6 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The interpretation of the concept “loneliness” is given. It is noted that all available studies of
loneliness nature are divided into two main research approaches which represent this category as an
individual and social phenomenon. Loneliness as an individual phenomenon promotes self-identity
through the escape from reality. Currently stated type of loneliness does not lose its relevance, for
example, in spiritual practices.
It was revealed that social isolation, the phenomenon of the twentieth century, appeared as
a result of the social relations’ transformation. Various modern classifications of social isolation,
developed by both domestic and foreign authors are given. The paper focuses on the causes and
characteristics of social isolation. Certain social groups, including single men, single fathers, present
considerable interest.
Key words |
individual loneliness, social isolation, social relationships, male loneliness, single
fathers. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Comprehension of Loneliness Phenomenon as a Social Phenomenon |