Article name Reproductive Technologies in Solution of Infertility Problems as Social Innovations in Health Care System
Authors Nifantova, R.V. Senior Researcher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 314.17
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to an important problem of worsening the Russians’ reproductive health that defines health of posterity and viability of generations and has an influence on the birth rate. Statistics on contraception among women of the reproductive age, statistics on induced abortions occurrence, and statistics on primary and secondary infertility are investigated. Data of the Public Opinion Foundation on problems of childless marriages and reproductive rights of citizens are given. The results of medical scientific centers on additional reproductive technologies practices such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogate motherhood, etc. are shown. The importance of the state support of these technologies and liberalization of the legal control of realization of desire to be parents as the most important tool of demographic policy is emphasized. The article focuses on the questions of public importance of family planning, sex education, family and moral values among young people, healthy lifestyle, responsible motherhood and fatherhood.
Key words population health, birth rate, demographic policy, infertility, contraception, additional reproductive technologies, IVF.
Article information
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Full articleReproductive Technologies in Solution of Infertility Problems as Social Innovations in Health Care System