Article name Theoretical Prerequisites of the Sociological Analysis of Women’s Entrepreneurship
Authors Nurbekova Z.A. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.334.23
Article type
Annotation The emergence of such phenomenon as entrepreneurship is a characteristic feature of market economy in the late 20th – early 21st centuries. Entrepreneurship is a fundamentally new type of economy based on the innovative behavior of the enterprise’s owners, the ability to find and use ideas, translate them into concrete entrepreneurial projects. The article presents the analysis of women’s entrepreneurship. The author considers that the post-industrial society contains the main preconditions for the emergence of women’s entrepreneurship, including the leading role of services, a new class of meritocracy, “service-client” model of the organization and the type of socio-technical management. The author describes two stages of “quiet revolution” – women’s entry into entrepreneurial activity, into the sphere of business. The specific features of women’s entrepreneurship and the formation process of this type of business in a historical context are examined. The most important factors influenced the formation of women’s entrepreneurship are the development of women’s education in the struggle for civil liberties, the growing demand for female labour in the industrial society. The author considers influx of female labour force into the labor market to be stimulated by the system of consumer society’s values.
Key words entrepreneurship, women’s entrepreneurship, market economy, gender, social group.
Article information
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