Article |
Article name |
Regional Social Cohesion as an Indicator of Quality of Life in Russia: a Sociological Dimension |
Authors |
Yudina T.N. Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.454.4 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Quality of life is a priority purpose of social policy at all levels of government. The article deals
with the criteria for evaluation of quality of life such as job security, a worthy level of welfare, educational
opportunities, high-quality health care, favorable ecological environment, access to cultural
values, confidence in the future. One of the indicators of quality of life is social cohesion treated as
social prosperity, harmonious and stable social relations, and ability to participate in economic life
and to enjoy its benefits. Social cohesion is an integral component of the social-economic progress
and peaceful coexistence. The author distinguishes the basic diagnostic blocks of social cohesion at
the regional level, develops the model of social cohesion that is carried out in the big cities of the
pilot regions (Moscow and Kursk) and in the typical small towns of these areas: Elektrostal, Moscow
region and Kurchatov, Kursk region. The author evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed model on
an example of both big and small cities.
Key words |
quality of life, sociological dimension, regional social cohesion. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Regional Social Cohesion as an Indicator of Quality of Life in Russia: a Sociological Dimension |