Article name Classification of the Death Metaphysics Concepts
Authors Matsyna A.I. Candidate of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 165
Article type
Annotation Studies of ancient funerary rituals lead to the philosophical problem of the opposition of Life and Death. Ancient cultural forms that remove this opposition are based on the specifically irrational and correlate with irrational ideas about the soul and its destination after death. The modern rational mind eliminates these forms. Therefore, there is a need for classification of the thanatological concepts involving the triune problem of life-death-immortality. The classification is made with emphasis on the death metaphysics aspect. Several different concepts of death metaphysics are distinguished. Scientific-optimistic and active-evolutionary immortology, natural-scientific, religious-pessimistic and evolutionary-spiritualist thanatology are not applicable to the understanding of death in its archaic perception. Phenomenological and psychoanalytic thanatology implements a systematic study of death from the perspective of an in-depth understanding of the socio-cultural, psychological and spiritual reality of the past eras. Religious-idealistic and religious-esoteric thanatology examines the phenomenon of death in the broadest of its traditional and cultural range. Both options of thanatology implement a holistic approach to the problem of death. In the classification we can distinguish rationalistic and irrationalistic interpretations of the death phenomenon, of which the irrationalistic one is heuristically the most potential for our study. Based on these concepts, the dynamic model of the archaic perception of death was formed.
Key words ancient funerary rituals, metaphysics of death, religious-esoteric thanatology
Article information
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