Article name Regional Cultures Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai (Russia) and Dongbei (China) as a Resource for Border Areas Co-development
Authors Morozova V.S. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the issues of Russia-China cross-border cooperation in conditions of intercultural interaction.The paper presents the specificity of Russia-China border areas co-development in the context of regional culture capacity usage.The author offers the interpretation of the borderland not only as a transit area, but as a place of meeting and interaction between the two civilizations. The author also detected the essence, the specificity and the potential of Zabaikalsky krai (Russia) and Dongbei (China) cultural resources and identified the factors of their formation. Based on sociocultural approach, it is possible to offer the option of describing culture-civilization potential of Russia-China border regions as a distinctive sociocultural phenomenon.The author investigated the interactions of Russia-China border areas regional cultures and paid attention to the cultural regional potential as an important factor in the formation process of a new Russia-China co-development level in the sociocultural space of the borderland.The use of comparative studies and hermeneutics allowed us to analyze authentic sources, which coupled with reliance on the results of field studies made it possible to assess the positive dynamics of Russia-China border areas co-development processes and the vectors of its further development.
Key words regional culture, resource potential, socio-cultural space of Russia-China border areas, co-development.
Article information
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Full articleRegional Cultures Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai (Russia) and Dongbei (China) as a Resource for Border Areas Co-development