Article name Social Security and Quality of Life: Conceptual Analysis
Authors Liga , M.B. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation Urgent problems of social security and social support of young people are revealed. The paper highlights the fact that construction and efficient operation of the social security system as a condition of security for an individual, a social group, common threat of violation of their vital interests, rights, and freedom are directly dependent on social policy. The regularities of interaction between quality of life and social security are identified. It is proved that the current policy of providing social security focuses on achieving a decent quality of life, gives opportunities to ensure sustainable existence and functioning of social actors, satisfaction and implementation of essential needs and interests, and to enhancet he ability to effective prevention or elimination of various kinds of risks.
Key words social security, quality of life, social policy, education, healthcare.
Article information
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