Article name The Artistic Phenomenon of Dashi Namdakov’s Plastic Art
Authors Nikolaeva L.Y. Candidate of Art Criticism,
Bibliographic description
UDK 7.07
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to creative work of Dashi Namdakov, an artist of genious from Zabaykalsky krai. His works are exhibited in the best museums of the world and many art criticism essays by the best analysts of the world in this sphere are written about him (see Dashi Namdakov’s website, the heading “Publications”). This paper reveals the nature of the artistic phenomenon of Namdakov’s plastic art: academic education, magnificent possession of national art forms rooted in family education, the factors that make his creative work so great. It is a gift of the creator visualizing the art energy, the gift having transpersonal roots.
Key words classical sculpture, artistic phenomenon, visual art, visualization of art energy.
Article information
References 1. Kastaneda K. Ogon’ iznutri. Sila bezmolvija / per. s angl. Karlos Kastaneda. M.: Sofija, 2006. 528 s. 2. Manzhigeev I. A. Burjatskie shamanisticheskie i doshamanisticheskie terminy: opyt ateisticheskoj interpretacii. M.: Nauka, 1978. 128 s. 3. Uilson K. Okkul’tnoe / per. s angl. M.: Jeksmo; SPb.: Mitgard, 2006. 800 s.
Full articleThe Artistic Phenomenon of Dashi Namdakov’s Plastic Art