Article name Influence of the Russian Art School on Development of the Chinese Tradition of Oil Painting
Authors Wang Ping .. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 75.03
Article type
Annotation The author writes about the influence of traditions of the Russian and Soviet realism on the Chinese art of the second half of the 20th century. The article tells about interaction of the Russian and Chinese art and ways of reforming of art education in China in the second half of the 20th century. Description and analysis of creativity and methodical teaching systems of the Russian artists-teachers P. P. Chistyakov and K. M. Maksimov are focused on. Many realist artists both from Russia and China were trained on the basis of these systems of painting techniques. The Russian system of art education underlay art education in China, and Russian realism became a method of expression of spiritual meanings in the Chinese traditional art.
Key words realism, method, creative method, technique, methodical system, painting, artistic device, Chinese oil painting.
Article information
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Full articleInfluence of the Russian Art School on Development of the Chinese Tradition of Oil Painting