Article name Goal-Setting and Goal Formation in Familistic Pedagogics
Authors Mavrina I.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of the Familistic
UDK 37.02
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the goals and education goals as the important components of the pedagogical development of educational systems. The author presents the author’s view of the data processes as socially and personally determined, shows the dialectics of purposes, ideas and content of education. It is assumed that the formation of the objectives of the state level is the definition of objectives and goals of the social and individual level is education goals. The author specifies pedagogical expression of sociality of familistic education as a ratio ideas, goals, content and technologies of education on the public and the individual levels; from these positions contradictions in the functioning of the modern educational system are highlighted. The author notes the relevance of deep comprehension of the processes of goal-setting – goal formation of pedagogy familistic with the study of theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the main pedagogical constructs: familistic educational space and familistic competence of the trainee.
Key words pedagogical development, goal setting, education goals, idea, technology, familistic education.
Article information
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Full articleGoal-Setting and Goal Formation in Familistic Pedagogics