Article |
Article name |
Event-Reflexive Multidimensionality of Familistic Educational University Space |
Authors |
Semina M.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Pedagogics of the Familistic |
37.02 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The main idea of the article is connected with the research and practical study of the author on the
essence of familistic competence of youth and ways of its development in familistic educational space
of the University. The article discusses the basics of event-reflective multidimensionality educational
space building as a pedagogical construct, providing familistic significant effect on students. The
author discusses the ways to create reflective environment full of familistic events, using the reflective
methods and technologies implementation into the educational university space. The author emphasis
fasilitaishion role of the teacher of the higher school in providing organizational-pedagogical support
of students’ personal growth and professional development. Special attention is paid to development
of metaqualities personality, forming a complex familistic competencies of a person.
Key words |
familistic competence, familistic educational space, multidimensionality, event,
reflection. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Event-Reflexive Multidimensionality of Familistic Educational University Space |