Article |
Article name |
Personal Spontaneity Structure as a Pedagogical Concept |
Authors |
Orekhova N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Creativity Pedagogics |
378.153.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Theoretical substantiation of the spontaneity structure as a pedagogical concept is given in
the article. Spontaneity as a personality characteristic integrates possibilities of the individual selfexpression
and social adaptation. Alternatively, spontaneity mediates adequateness and the reality of
creativity performance in unusual situation. Spontaneity determines the reality of perception on the
basis of cognitive survey, positive interpersonal interaction of the educational process participants,
possibility of the multilevel «meetings» and response adequateness to the new situation. The author
studies statistical and dynamic model of spontaneity. Attention was paid to criterions and basic forms
of the spontaneity performance by upperclassmen.
Theoretical interpretation of spontaneity in pedagogical science involves a system of concepts,
whereby given phenomenon is described. Systematic characteristic of the spontaneity structure is
represented by four interrelated elements: cognitive element, emotional-axiological element, creative
and behavioral elements.
Key words |
spontaneity, over(up)contextual activity, creativity, interpersonal interaction,
situation. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Personal Spontaneity Structure as a Pedagogical Concept |