Article name The Implementation of Project Technologies in Preparation Practice of Bachelor – Special Psychologist
Authors Zvoleyko, E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Modern Educational Technologies
UDK 378.147.88
Article type
Annotation Preparation Practices of the bachelors revealed the weakness of the system of organization of students’ research work, the underestimation of the value of research profile mastering, meanwhile, research in education, (results determination of special education) is in the range of psychologist’s tasks, and often it causes difficulties in work. To enhance the value and quality of the Research Student’s work, it is necessary to ensure essential links of scientific research and education. Mastering the methods of scientific and practical activity is better to carry through the students’ participation in the development and implementation of specific socio-psychological projects based on partnership between the University and educational institutions – areas of professional training and implementation of students’ research work, thus it helps it achieve the convergence of training process and employment. This article aims to show how to develop students’ skills in designing and implementing projects that solve real socio-psychological problems of educational institutions.
Key words bachelor-psychologist; technology of project-based learning; socio-psychological design.
Article information
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Full articleThe Implementation of Project Technologies in Preparation Practice of Bachelor – Special Psychologist