Article name Learning Strategies Usage for Independent Work
Authors Mikhalyova S.N. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Ushnikova O.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Modern Educational Technologies
UDK 378.016:811
Article type
Annotation This paper underlines the importance of learning strategies usage when organizing independent work where the strategies are understood as specific learning technologies and methods. The cognitive, metacognitive, affective strategies, and management strategy are described in the article. The article dwells on the results of the students’ survey which show that in spite of students’ knowing some of the strategies, their application leaves much to be desired. Hence there is a need to specify methodical tutoring manuals on self regulated learning. The article also calls attention to the teacher’s role in learning strategies usage. In the conclusion the authors of the article present an approximate individual study itinerary for working with a text when students are getting ready for their classes.
Key words independent work, cognitive, metacognitive, affective strategies, management strategies, individual learning itinerary.
Article information
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Full articleLearning Strategies Usage for Independent Work