Article name Socio-Cultural Effects of Professional Education Modernization in China
Authors Guo Sin .. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of Professional Education
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The work is focused on the study of the process of professional education modernization control in the context of its influence on the society culture, and the ways of development, rationalization and improving of this process. The work relevance and applicability is defined by the necessity of scientifically grounded actions which are aimed at support and encouragement or stimulating of the control process of socio cultural effects of professional education modernization. The main factors of the process of culture modernization by the means of professional education modernization are revealed and described in the article. It touches upon the specific character of interactions explaining modern managerial culture, its regional development dynamics and determining conditions of the control process of changes at the modern stage. Approaches to such definition as “culture-change management” and similar definitions and notions are analyzed in the article. The author also studies approaches to the definition of culture management of socio cultural changes. Management technologies of traditional culture values changes are revealed in the article. In particular the most efficient ones from the point of modernization subjects of professional education change management are described by the author. Management of changes in China on the program-strategic level is analyzed and a comparison with the theoretical model based on developments of the Russian and Western researches is made. education, socio-cultural effects.
Key words cultural modernization, professional
Article information
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Full articleSocio-Cultural Effects of Professional Education Modernization in China