Article name Inter-Specific Interaction of Person: Results and Prospects of the Study
Authors Shukova G.V. Candidate of Psychology, Senior Research Assistant,,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecological Psychology
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation The article notes the increase of the importance of pets in people’s life last decades. The problem of interaction between man and animal is developed rather actively in Western countries. These researches are single in Russia. The author analyzes the study of psychological features of human interaction with pets. The article considers the scientific factual knowledge, the main modern directions of studying, research prospects and problems. The main subjects of the study are different aspects of understanding by animals of person’s social behavior and social cognitive skills of the animals. The special subject field is analysis of psychological features of the person having a pet, effects of human-animal communication. The article emphasizes the anthropomorphism problem concerning interpretation of animals’ behavior. It is noted that the issues of inter-specific interaction are rarely discussed in psychological literature.
Key words person, animal, interaction, state of the problem.
Article information
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Full articleInter-Specific Interaction of Person: Results and Prospects of the Study