Article |
Article name |
A Systematic Method for the Assimilation of the Concept of «Neuropsychological Factor» by the University Students |
Authors |
Morozova I.L. Candidate of Psychology, , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Pedagogical Psychology |
159.99 |
Article type |
Annotation |
“Neuropsychological factor” is a fundamental for neuropsychology notion. The article presents a
theoretical description of a special systematic method, which the author uses in the process of teaching
the discipline «Fundamentals of neuropsychology». The purpose of this method is the extension
learning of the neuropsychological notion. The method is a way of the creative summary of the
notion of «neuropsychological factor» and its functional significance. The use of the descriptive and
illustrative teaching method in the process of teaching neuropsychology combined with the admission
of metaphorical presentation of the material. In the description of the systematic method, reader can
find useful material, which proposes to consider the functional meaning of the various structures of the
human cerebrum (neuropsychological factors), as coordinated work of the administrative units, which
describe the specific features of its inhabitants. For example, the value of the factor of programming and
monitoring as associative factor is compared with the activities of the king and the factor of hemispheric
relationship interaction with the activities of the communicator in the Kingdom. The means promotes
deeper student’s penetration in the essence of the notion of “neuropsychological factor”.
Key words |
training, higher education, neuropsychological factor, neuropsychology, systematic
method, method of teaching. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | A Systematic Method for the Assimilation of the Concept of «Neuropsychological Factor» by the University Students |