Article |
Article name |
Out-Of-Class Work of Future Teacher of Vocational Training in Network Scientific and Methodical Community of the Internet |
Authors |
Vasilyev A.A. Specialist, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the development of mechanisms for selecting knowledge for out-ofclass
work, training future teachers of vocational training with resources of the Internet (mediaresources)
in the field of nanotechnology. The author examines the management of knowledge
in network didactic-scientific community of the Internet to organize out-of-class work training of
future teachers of vocational training. The basis of research is management of knowledge in
higher education institution, in realization of competence-based and person-priented approaches
to the organization of out-of-class educational activity of future teachers of vocational training. In
the conditions of deficiency of pedagogical resources of knowledge in the field of nanotechnologies
one of the priority directions in vocational training of future teachers of vocational training is
use of network resources. Out-of-class work is directed to search, preservation, processing of
information on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Choosing out-of-class work as management
of knowledge contributes self-training “to studying” materials on nanotechnologies, “in process” of
learning in specific professional actions, and also the analysis and an assessment of the received
scientific and methodical knowledge on the Internet.
Key words |
management of knowledge, network community, out-of-class work, vocational
training, scientific and methodical community of the Internet. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Out-Of-Class Work of Future Teacher of Vocational Training in Network Scientific and Methodical Community of the Internet |