Article name Workbook of University Student as a Multifunctional Didactic Means
Authors Bordonskaya L.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,,
Golobokova G.I. Senior lecturer,
Bibliographic description
UDK 371.3
Article type
Annotation Independent work of a student is the most important component of the educational process in a modern higher school. The use of teaching resources in the system of the IWS provides the organization of active cognitive activity of students, contributes to the development of the academic disciplines content, competences formation stipulated by the Federal State Educational standards. Workbook for the student on academic discipline can be one of the modern teaching resources in IWS system. The authors consider IWS as a multifunctional didactic tool, they justify the modeling approaches; describe the logic of WS design, the structural content of the workbook model. On the basis of analysis of the educational books functions the main functions of IWS as a modern didactic tool are defined, which are considered as a complex ones, including some elementary functions. Stdent’s workbook is presented as a strategic element of educational means in IWS.
Key words independent work of students (IWS), IWS system, didactic means, functions of didactic means, workbook for students (WS), model of students’ workbook (MSW).
Article information
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