Article name The Development of Professional Competencies of Technical Direction Bachelors on the Basis of the Relationship of General and Special Subjects in the Information Educational Environment of the University
Authors Vaganova T.G. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.147:53
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of the theory and practice of competence education. There is a classification of competencies such as general and subject ones. Subject competence in physics have a great influence on the formation of professional competencies because it is essential for engineering to have an ability to analyze problems and identify solutions, based on the basic theoretical knowledge gained from the study of general physics . We define them as the basis of professional competence. In competency training the problem of the rational organization of the educational process and the directional guidance of students’ knowledge is especially important and is associated with the organization of guided independent work of students. As a technology of the competence-based approach realization, the modular technology with the use of educational environment of the university is proposed. The author underlines the necessity of educational environment creating based on the traditional technology and distance learning, focused on independent work of the student. The integration of general education and special subjects is proposed as one of the approaches to the development of professional competencies in modern conditions, taking into account the requirements of employers, as well as achievements of modern science.
Key words competence-oriented education, competence approach, modular technology, information and educational environment.
Article information
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Full articleThe Development of Professional Competencies of Technical Direction Bachelors on the Basis of the Relationship of General and Special Subjects in the Information Educational Environment of the University