Article name Knowledge Management as an Organizational Basis for the Formation of New Relations Management in the University Educational Process
Authors Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Chuprova D.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation This article considers new tendencies of the professional education, the growing role of knowledge as a main economical resource in postindustrial society. The article centers on the necessity of quality of goods and services, nowadays it depends greatly on the new kinds of management. The authors provide information on new subjects of management in educational process. The main processes, categories, definitions, new approaches in knowledge management are fully explored in this article. The authors give facts and figures, different classifications of knowledge made in the way of modern theory of management. The article concerns on aims analyzed in process of knowledge management in high school. The authors come the the conclusion that the content of knowledge management in leading medical, engineering and humanitarianpedagogical high schools can be then benchmarking is taken into account.
Key words management, knowledge management, education management, relations inmanagement, educational process, professional education.
Article information
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Full articleKnowledge Management as an Organizational Basis for the Formation of New Relations Management in the University Educational Process