Article |
Article name |
Technology of Competences Formation with D istance L earning Support |
Authors |
Radnaev B.L. Doctor of Geography, professor , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378.147 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to application of distance learning methods in full-time education based
on competence approach. Learning technology of engineering students with distance learning
support with using information and communication technology is described. Distance learning
support is based on learning management system (LMS, in particular Canvas Instructure). Paths
of interaction between student and educational material, instructor and other students are indicated.
Distribution of kind of student and instructor activity on face-to-face and distance education
is proposed. Forms of educational activity organization, kinds of learning outcomes control
and assessment based on traditional class structure of face-to-face learning in course of general
physics are described (lecture, practice, labs). A list of competences formed due to using distance
learning support is indicated.
Key words |
pedagogical technology, competence, physics, distance learning, distance learningsupport, learning management system. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Technology of Competences Formation with D istance L earning Support |