Article |
Article name |
The System of Assessment Means as an Instrument of Formed Competence Confirmation |
Authors |
Fedotova A.D. Postgraduate Student, a.d._fedotova@mail.r |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
One of the stages of the project development of basic professional education programs is
analyzed in this article. The development of the assessment means fund allows determining the
level of formed competence on the example of the competence in the sphere of computer and
information technologies. It is revealed that while forming the assessment means fund it’s necessary
to rely upon the competence structural components (cognitive and personal). Examples of
assessment forms and methods of each competence component are given in the article. Special
focus in the development of the assessment means fund is paid to the innovative methods of assessment
such as the project method, the analyzing technology of particular situations, portfolio.
The assessment means fund, presented in the given article, will be useful in putting into practice
modern educational ideas and for authors of basic professional education programs on developing
the system of assessment of competence formedness.
Key words |
competence, structural competence components, assessment means fund, traditionalassessment means, innovational assessment means, project method, analysis technologyof particular situations, portfolio. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The System of Assessment Means as an Instrument of Formed Competence Confirmation |