Article |
Article name |
Methods of Teachers Training for Innovation Activity in the Conditions of Professional Skill Mastering |
Authors |
Kolokolova N.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Methodologist, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Continuous Education and Further Training |
371.14 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article describes the way of teacher’s training for innovative activity in the conditions of
professional skill mastering. Its realization is offered within a teacher training technique for innovative
activity. The basic notions of the technique are revealed. The teacher is the subject of his
professional development by preparation for innovative activity in the conditions of professional skill mastering. He builds and realizes his own individual route of preparation for innovative activity
with the help of the specialist from the institution of additional professional education. For this
purpose there were organized and realized special advanced training courses. The preparation
of the teacher for innovative activity within these advanced training courses is carried out on the
basis of the planned individual educational and professional route. Its projecting and realization
are provided with the support of a specialist from the institution of additional professional education.
The technique realization is carried out according to the certain stages (the diagnose-motivational
stage; the training stage; the reflexive and projecting stage; the practical stage), and in
addition to this, all the technique stages are interconnected with the support stages of the teacher
preparation for innovative activity. In order to show how the technique is realized, we present the
description of the professional skill mastering courses counted for a long period of time, that is,
«Physics teaching of school students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard
introduction of the main general education”. Also there is a problem seminar “Innovative activity
of a physics teacher”. The Programs of these courses were created on the basis of the idea of
innovations “living” (preparation for innovative activity should be carried out on the basis of the innovations
in the education, i. e. the professional skill mastering courses for listeners are sensible
to organize with the use of those innovations which are planned to introduce or take root into the
school education).
Key words |
teacher’s training for innovative activity; teacher’s readiness for innovative activity,
condition of the teacher’s training technique for innovative activity in the conditions of the
professional skill mastering process, advanced skill mastering courses. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Methods of Teachers Training for Innovation Activity in the Conditions of Professional Skill Mastering |