Article name Creating and Using the Monitoring Program of Teacher’s Professional Development
Authors Sanzhyeva Y.B. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Continuous Education and Further Training
UDK 371.01
Article type
Annotation The article discusses issues related to the organization of the monitoring studies of the effectiveness of course training in institutions of postgraduate education. A distinctive feature of the monitoring system of training is that the content and frequency of test materials survey largely depend on the subject area. A key figure in determining the state of education is the personality of the teacher. The training system in these conditions should give the individual the opportunity of retraining, changes in their educational level, depending on the interests and circumstances of life, the modern update their knowledge. The problem is that the vectors of professional development teachers were brought in line with the state, social and public interests.
Key words pedagogical qualimetry, effectiveness, diagnostic approach, control function, analysis, assessment, monitoring of educational activities, qualimetric approach, criteria, indicators.
Article information
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Full articleCreating and Using the Monitoring Program of Teacher’s Professional Development