Article name Evolution of Methods in Foreign Language Teaching
Authors Gusevskaya N.U. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 378.147
Article type
Annotation The article reflects the history of the development of methods in foreign language teaching and introduces foreign and Russian approaches to language teaching methodology. The author analyzes advantages and disadvantages of language teaching methods, which are characteristic for various historical periods, the principles of training are presented, the role of each method in the development of a technique of training in a foreign language is considered. The article deals with the Grammar − Translation Method, the Text-Translation Method, the Natural Method, the Direct Method, the Audio-lingual Method, the Audio-visual Method, the Conscious-Comparative Method, and the Communicative Method. The author offers advice on how to use each method in the learning process that will enable a teacher to understand the diversity of contemporary approaches to the teaching of foreign languages and choose the optimal variant taking into account the needs of students, their individual characteristics, level of language competence, the ultimate goal of learning.
Key words foreign language education, method of teaching.
Article information
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Full articleEvolution of Methods in Foreign Language Teaching