Article name Use of Problem-Solving Tasks in the Process of Teaching Fiction Reading in a Foreign Language
Authors Yeryomina V.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate professor,,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 378.147
Article type
Annotation This paper examines the issue of problem-solving tasks and their application in teaching foreign languages. The purpose of the article presented is to analyze the problem of active teaching methods which are widely used in teaching foreign languages at institutions of higher education. Problem-solving methods are also used in teaching reading foreign literary works. A theoretical framework is proposed based on a foreign literary text as a form of foreign lingua-culture. Moreover, different types of communicative problem-solving tasks used in teaching reading foreign literary works are suggested. Among them projects, role plays and tasks focusing on communicative models and their use in different every day and professional situations are especially concentrated on. Different examples of problem-solving tasks which are recommended at different stages of work with foreign literary texts are presented.
Key words problem-solving task, active method of teaching, reading foreign fiction, communicative task.
Article information
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Full articleUse of Problem-Solving Tasks in the Process of Teaching Fiction Reading in a Foreign Language