Article name Phytocoenotical Particularities of Dunce’s Caps (orpine) (Orostachys spinosa) in Conditions of Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Кayukovа S.N. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor, Head of Department,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.112
Article type
Annotation The author presents the analysis of phytocoenotical attachment of three species Dunce’s Caps (orpine) in Eastern Transbaikalia. It is represented that Orostachys spinosa, Orostachys malacophylla), Orostachys fimbriata may play different roles in coenosis: from со-dominant till species of little abundance. The listed scheme analysis of phytocoenosis classification, shows that phytocoenoses which characterize the coenotical complex of Orostachys species varieties, are mostly concerned to low grasses, subshrub and small-turf cereal petrophytous steppes.
Key words Eastern Transbaikalia, succulents, Dunce’s Caps, Orostachys species, phytocoenosis.
Article information
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Full articlePhytocoenotical Particularities of Dunce’s Caps (orpine) (Orostachys spinosa) in Conditions of Eastern Transbaikalia