Article name Structural Adaptations of Some Early Blooming Plant Leaves in Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Popova O.A. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.522.4+581.543
Article type
Annotation The structure of laminas’ epidermis and mesophile exemplified by 4 species of early blooming plants of Eastern Transbaikalia is investigated. Primula farinose and Ranunculus rigescens species are considered to be early spring blooming plants and they blossom in the first decade of May, Ranunculus propinquus and Primula nutans are middle spring blooming plants which are in bloom after May 15. The comparison of anatomical structure of Primula and Ranunculus leaves has shown that early spring blooming plants have more characteristics of the xeromorphic composition, and middle spring blooming plants are more mesophilous and heliophilous. All differences in the leaf structure are connected with plants adaptation to their growth and development in the spring time and have ecological meaning.
Key words early blooming plants, anatomical structure of leaf, structural adaptations, Eastern Transbaikalia.
Article information
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Full articleStructural Adaptations of Some Early Blooming Plant Leaves in Eastern Transbaikalia