Article name Estimation of Territory Current Condition for the Bioengineering Measures System Creation (on the example of the South of Amur-Zeya interfluve)
Authors Beshetskaya A.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 911.6 (631.6)
Article type
Annotation Solving of territorial ecological problems is connected not only with nature protecting steps, but with new envirormental technologies inclucing bioengineering measures that perform environmental modelling as well as important social function. Bioengineering measures are suggested to be created according to a certain system to provide sustanable territory development. As an example, the southern Amur-Zeya area is chosen. It is located in the South of Amur region and rather intensively and economically used. For a complex estimation of current condition of area, the range of different territories in the territorial structure is calculated. The expert estimation of anthropogenic disturbance of territorial nature complexes and ecological state of the examining territory has been done. Two maps were made using GIS programs.
Key words bioengineering measures, Amur-Zeya interfluve, ecological condition, anthropogenic disturbance, landscape.
Article information
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Full articleEstimation of Territory Current Condition for the Bioengineering Measures System Creation (on the example of the South of Amur-Zeya interfluve)