Article name Influence of Long Protective Regime on the Vegetation of Degraded Pasture Phytocenosis of the Ob Forest-Steppe
Authors Zvereva G.K. Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research assistant,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 633.2.03
Article type
Annotation The influence of protective regime, in the condition of spring fires in several years, on natural degraded pasture areas at different stages of pasture digression was investigated under conditions of the right Ob riverside forest-steppe during 1999–2013. It is shown that during protective regime vitality of plants, firstly – long rhizome grasses, such as Poa angustifolia, Elytrigia repens and Bromopsis inermis, has improved. The number of species of phytocenosis has increased in 1,3– 4,4 times, mainly at the expense of grasses and forbs. Annual and biennial weeds and weeds with top root remain in an herbage, also there are microcommunities from not eaten rhizomatous and root-sucker species. Phytocenosis productivity sharply increases in first two-four years, and meteorological conditions of some years and intensity of accumulation of dead grass and mulch exert considerable influence on stocks of green overground phytomass.
Key words Ob forest-steppe, protective regime, herbage productivity, pastures digression
Article information
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Full articleInfluence of Long Protective Regime on the Vegetation of Degraded Pasture Phytocenosis of the Ob Forest-Steppe