Article name Zooplankton in Waterways of the River Boguziya Basin in Mogocha District of Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Krivenkova I. . Candidate of Biology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Zoology
UDK 591.524.12
Article type
Annotation The article presents the first data on Zabaikalsky territory rivers zooplankton of previously unexplored area located in the village Klyuchevsky of Mogocha district. The author presents data on the species and quantitative composition of the zooplankton of the river Boguziya and its tributary the Klyuchi river. The Alekseevsky creek and the Banny creek flowing through the village Klyuchevsky were investigated. They are tributaries of the Klyuchi, as well as tailings, whose water flow into the river Klyuchi. The Boguziya river belongs to the Amur basin and is a tributary of the river Zheltugai flowing into the river Shilka. The studied objects are strongly violated as a consequence of alluvial long-term mining. Saprobic indices were calculated for the rivers the Klyuchi, the Boguziya. The classes of the water quality of watercourses in composition of zooplankton were defined; the water in this area is moderately polluted.
Key words tributaries of the Boguziya, the Klyuchi, zooplankton, saprobity, water quality.
Article information
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Full articleZooplankton in Waterways of the River Boguziya Basin in Mogocha District of Zabaikalsky Krai