Article name A Geopolitical Position of Pacific Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Authors Baklanov, P.Y. Doctor of Geography, Professor, Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Romanov M.T. Doctor of Geography, Head of Laboratory,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 911.3
Article type
Annotation The features of geopolitical position of Pacific Russia at the beginning of the 21st century are considered. These features are determined by its position in a unique macroregion of the world – in a contact zone of global structures of Eurasia and the Pacific Ocean, in the neighborhood and in intersection zone of geopolitical interests of the largest world «force centers» and sea powers, such as the USA, China, Japan having a great impact of their sea components in their geopolitical position. The ratio between geopolitical potentials of Russia and these largest «force centers», including their «sea component», in many respects defines a geopolitical position of Russia in this macro-region of the world, the level of its interaction with other countries of APR.
Key words geopolitical position, geopolitical potential, geopolitical interests and problems, Pacific Russia, world «force centers», contact structures, trans-boundary regions.
Article information
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Full articleA Geopolitical Position of Pacific Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century