Article name Baikal Experience of Innovative Ecological and Economic Development (Historical Analysis of Geotechnical and Management Decisions)
Authors Vikulov V.E. Doctor of Geography, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 504.062.2
Article type
Annotation The experience of innovative environmental and economic development of the Baikal region is of great importance for the solution of problems of nature protection in different countries of the world. Innovative for each historical period, the technical, technological, organizational and economic measures of nature rationalization are worthy their distribution and replication in other regions of the country and the world. Geotechnical and environmentaleconomic transformation of the timber industry complex of the Baikal region is analyzed at every stage of energy production cycle. The importance of public opinion and the scientific community in particular in management decisions at different historical stages is revealed. The top public officials’ attitude to the problem of protection of Lake Baikal is shown. The author says about the international importance of Baikal natural management discussion.
Key words environmental protection, environmental management, Lake Baikal, ecological and economic development.
Article information
References 1. Vikulov V. E., Mikheeva A. S. Problemy ekologizatsii ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona s rezhimom osobogo prirodopol’zovaniya // Vestn. BGU. 2012. № 4. S. 30–36. 2. Vikulov V. E., Shagzhiev K. Sh. Baikal’skaya diskussiya i ee znachenie v okhrane ozera // Vestn. BGU. 2012. Spets. vyp. S. 284–287. 3. Radnaev B. L., Mikheeva A. S. Geograficheskaya kontseptsiya sotsial’noekonomicheskogo razvitiya Baikal’skogo transgranich’ya // Uchenye zapiski ZabGGPU im. N. G. Chernyshevskogo. 2012. № 1. S. 136–150.
Full articleBaikal Experience of Innovative Ecological and Economic Development (Historical Analysis of Geotechnical and Management Decisions)