Article |
Article name |
Geography of Consumption as Underrated Branch of Scientific Knowledge |
Authors |
Gladky Y.N. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education, Gladky43@rambler.ruKornekova S.Y. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Geography |
911.94 (470) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The attention is drawn to the undeservedly “neglected” geography of consumption as a
branch of scientific knowledge. It is emphasized that the basis for attributing the problems of
consumption to the sphere of human geography is the territorial system, which is manifested
in the formation of the specific systems of production and consumption. The essence of such
systems is proposed to consider in conjunction with existing approaches to the typology of
consumption. Among the existing regional systems of consumption of particular interest to
geographers there is a system of food consumption due to the existence of correlations with
land resources. The conclusion is made that in the conditions of market economy the centre
of gravity of regional studies largely move on questions of consumption. This circumstance
is connected with a Federal status of Russia, the abundance of subjects of Federation, which
strongly differ between natural, historical, economic, social and cultural and other conditions
of development
Key words |
needs, territorial systems, types of consumption, correlation relationship,
food consumption, specifics of the territorial consumption systems |
Article information |
References |
1. Gladkii Yu. N. Gumanitarnaya geografiya. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2010. 663 s.
2. Zubarevich N. V. Sotsial’noe razvitie regionov Rossii: problemy i tendentsii
perekhodnogo perioda. M.: Izd-vo LKI, 2007. 264 s.
3. Kornekova S. Yu., Faibusovich E. L. Problemy geografii potrebleniya kak nauchnoi
distsipliny // Aktual’nye problemy sovremennoi geografii. 2007. Vyp.V. S. 170–176.
4. Rodnina N. V. Razvitie sistemy prodovol’stvennogo obespecheniya naseleniya
v usloviyakh modernizatsii ekonomiki (na primere Severo-Vostoka Rossiiskoi Federatsii):
avtoref. dis. … d-ra ekonom. nauk. Yakutsk, 2011. 41 s. |
Full article | Geography of Consumption as Underrated Branch of Scientific Knowledge |