Article |
Article name |
Geography of Construction Industry of Siberia: Updated Characteristics and Prospects of Development |
Authors |
Zabortseva T.I. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,Head of Laboratory, zabti@irigs.irk.ruIgnatova O.A. Engineer, olga-15– |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Geography |
911:502.7 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article provides an overview of the current territorial organization in the construction
activity sector in Siberia. Its basic structural and functional characteristics (basic elements:
housing and industry) are given. State market of building industry, like most others in Russia
is incorporated in private sector, that fact predetermined the main vector of transformation
processes in the construction industry of Siberia. Long-term economic forecast of construction
development in comparison with basic production activities, including low-tech and hightech
industries processing is analyzed. The employment dynamics in this area mainly within the Siberian territory are exemplified. Significant regional differentiation is revealed both
of residential and industrial construction (in absolute value and basic industry standard
indicators), presented in the form of cartographic products. The impact of institutional factors
on the further development of regional construction sector is considered.
Key words |
construction sector, main construction funds, housing market, territorial
differentiation, investments. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Geography of Construction Industry of Siberia: Updated Characteristics and Prospects of Development |