Article name Ust-Kara Basin (Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleoreconstructions)
Authors Sinitsa S.M. Doctor of Geology and Minerology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 551.75
Article type
Annotation During the 1960s and 80s the author was carrying out the case studies of continental Upper Mesozoic deposits of intermontane isolated basins of Transbaikalia. Great amount of facts (in the form of unpublished reports) was collected. This article is the beginning of the publications on new data on the problems of upper Mesozoic deposits in the region. The upper Mesozoic of Ust-Kara basin differs from the other ones by its characteristics of cyclical stratigraphy, the dominance of psephites in the base of cyclites, by the mix of Late Jurassic species-indexes of Unda-Daya complex and Jurassic-Cretaceous species of Turga complex in the presence of special conchostraca-Defretinia (layers with Defretinia). This is single occurrence with the remains of Notostraca -triopsi, fossil birds (feather) and unique gieroglyphs in the region. Key section of Ust-Kara suite in the vicinity of Ust-Karsk village, particular sections along the Kara, the Zheron, the Luzhanky rivers, and the section of Turga suite of the Polosatik Rock are described by the author. For the first time the author gives the reconstruction of Ust-Kara volcanic lakes on the alluvial fans and the wide Turga Lake outside the volcanic zone. The addition of stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics of Ust-Kara suite which is allocated as a transitional horizon between Unda-Daya and Tugra suites, as well as Turga suite itself is examined here.
Key words Upper Mesozoic; Ust-Kara, Turga, Shilka suites; transitional horizon; myarians, conchostraca, defretinia, ostracods, Notostraca, insects, traces of mud-eaters, plants, bird’s feather, gieroglyphs.
Article information
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Full articleUst-Kara Basin (Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleoreconstructions)