Article name Metaphorical Artistic Image in the Modern Russian Prose
Authors Zvezdina Y.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Yulia Vladimirovna Zvezdina, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Transbaikal state university (30, Aleksandro-Zavodskaya St., Chita, Russia, 67203930) e-mail:
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81’42
Article type
Annotation In the article artistic images which are constructed on the basis of metaphors are analyzed. In article concepts of an artistic image, a metaphorical artistic image are defined. The artistic image in the literary work is a component of language composition. In the artistic image can be based on one metaphor or some metaphors – a metaphorical series row. A metaphorical series is revealed, developed in the whole work. Together with a metaphorical series the artistic image is developed and detailed. In the text some metaphorical ranks interacting at the same time can function. Metaphors create art images. It means that in the text there are metaphorical artistic images. In works of art there are artistic images of concrete objects (subjects, people) and abstract concepts (life, the past, etc.). The special artistic image in the Russian modern prose is an artistic image of the word and an artistic image of the text. In the Russian modern prose there are art images of concrete words, texts and the whole books which are describes as live objects. At creation of a metaphorical artistic image, words which are not combined with each other can be used. Artistic images in work are interconnected; one image can grow from another. The metaphorical artistic image can become a key in language composition of work. The main metaphorical artistic image influences all verbal ranks in the text. The metaphor can be seen at the work title. The analysis of a key metaphorical image helps to interpretation and understanding of the main idea of the text. Among the Russian modern prose there are works without metaphors in the text. It is a conscious author’s choice.
Key words metaphor, artistic image, verbal series, language composition.
Article information
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Full articleMetaphorical Artistic Image in the Modern Russian Prose