Article name The “Chinese”/“Chinois” Ethnonym in Ethnofaulisms on the Example of the French Language
Authors Borisova I.Z. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section World Philology
UDK 811.133.1
Article type
Annotation The article discusses ethnofaulisms or expressive ethnonyms in ethnicity naming units on the example of the “Chinese”/“Chinois” ethnonym in the modern French language. Historically French people are tolerant in relation to Asians, in particular to the Chinese. Restraint, quiet temper, diligence and unpretentiousness of Chinese cause respect. However, in days of an economic crisis, during the era of increase in number of the declassed population in suburbs, the general increase of number of China natives, it is possible to speak about considerable change of the French people’s relation to Chinese. This circumstance proves the emergence of various nicknames which can be noted the term of “etnofolizm”. Nicknames ethnonyms usually have the reduced stylistic character and possess bright pejorative coloring. We see them, first of all, in a “yellow press”, social networks, in fiction declassed heroes’ speech. Using the method of continuous sampling, we singled out 15 ethnofaulisms and defined the methods of their formation. Ethnofaulisms that characterize the “Chinese”/“Chinois” ethnonym are usually formed by means of semantic derivation, which includes metonymic and metaphoric transfers; there are naming units borrowed from the other languages. They are also formed by the means of suffixation; there are also naming units transformations – apocopes. Moreover, there is a case of naming units formation in verlan, i. e., in “such a code language”, where the last syllable of a word becomes the initial syllable. The expressiveness of the naming units is reached using precisely the methods listed above. The expressiveness gives the words special coloring.
Key words ethnic groups, Chinese immigrants, ethnofaulisms, hate speech, lexical units, methods of formation, intolerance, tolerance.
Article information
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