Article name Problem of Students’ Emotional Inclusion at Image, Era, Situation (Hypothesis of Possible Solutions of Tasks of the New Standard of Teachers’ Professional Competences as a Collective Activity)
Authors Akhmetova M.N. Doctor of Pedagogics,
Bibliographic description
Section Professional Education
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation In the article the problem of hypothetical and conceptual solutions of tasks of the new standard, professional competences of collective activity of teachers of interaction with trainees is considered. The main orientation of such decisions – emotional inclusion at image, era, situation. According to standard requirements, the teacher is the tutor and the organizer of the activity which is beyond a lesson. Step by step organized educational space is presented in the article. Experience, «deep reading», «deep sense», «deep listening» in nature life and word are actions in open, free, creative space. Emotional inclusion allows the teacher to consider features of work with gifted children, with deviant having problems in development children, children for whom Russian is not native. The standard sets a task of work of the program of inclusive education. The solution of tasks is only possible in collective teachers’ activity working with children. The hypothetical stage of a solution (emotional stimulation of pupils’ thought, design of metapoetic space as metasubject) makes the formation of theoretical stage possible (on the basis of the appeal to a conceptual case). Its filler at the first stage is the technology of associative space as a part of world around, a field of opportunities (development of technologies of its design – the first competence). At the second stage competence is design of logical sign model in metasubject space. Competence of the third stage is – formation of the creative relations and development of metaactions of polysubjects. It is a transition from maintenance to a problem of interaction of the teacher and students. Thus, in pedagogical activity in the course of implementation of the standard, the “break” in technologies, creation of essentially new educational space is fixed.
Key words emotional inclusion at image, an era, a situation; hypothetical stage of solution; theoretical conceptual stage; competences of the teacher of stage-by-stage activity of education according to the new professional standard.
Article information
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Full articleProblem of Students’ Emotional Inclusion at Image, Era, Situation (Hypothesis of Possible Solutions of Tasks of the New Standard of Teachers’ Professional Competences as a Collective Activity)