Article name Operational Reliability Coefficient as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Wind Turbines at the Design Stage
Authors Viytovich O.I. Assistant Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 681.3
Article type
Annotation The relationship of climatic, technological and economic factors affecting the value of the coefficient of operational reliability, which is assessing the indicator of the efficiency of the designed wind turbines in different variants are considered. Indicator ratio of operational reliability of evaluation of efficiency of wind turbines at the design stage is necessary to compare the options of the developed projects. To determine the developed projects, the relevant factors are identified, which are confirmed by the parameters that have mathematical significance.
Key words climatic, technological, and economic factors; the ratio of the coefficient of operational reliability, the wind installation, efficiency indicator, comparison of options developed projects, the performance of wind turbine.
Article information
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Full articleOperational Reliability Coefficient as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Wind Turbines at the Design Stage