Article name Diversification of Dry Mixtures Manufacturing Based on High-Quality Cement
Authors Zayarny A.A. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer of Technological Department,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 691.53
Article type
Annotation The plants expand the range of products it will allow to obtain the greatest economic benefit from the introduction of the combined operation of production lines, allowing to produce a dry backfill and mortars. Furthermore, controlling the quality of cement as the main binder component, enterprises can produce competitive products in the form of mixtures. In addition, the commission-ing of production lines, will contribute to increasing the volume of cement production, and at the same time will help stabilize the peak downs and increased consumer demand for cement.
Key words modernization, development of new productions, economic efficiency.
Article information
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Full articleDiversification of Dry Mixtures Manufacturing Based on High-Quality Cement