Authors |
Zelensky V.A. Candidate of Physics and Ma-thematics, senior researcher, zelensky55@bk.ruZabelin S.F. Doctor of Engineering Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor,, |
Annotation |
The new synthesis technology of high-disperse silver powders, combining the principles of
colloidal chemistry and powder metallurgy is offered. Results of researches on two methods of
improvement of functional characteristics of nanoparticles are presented. The first modification of technology consists in synthesis of nanodimensional powder precursors on the basis of silver
by carrying out chemical reactions in the solutions containing nitrate of AgNO3 silver and
citrate of Na3C6H5O7 sodium, and their subsequent decomposition in water solution at an
increased temperature (160 ◦C) and pressure (about 6 atmospheres) with allocation of powder
of pure silver. The second modification allows to synthesize high-disperse powders of silver
of composite structure (having nanopowder fractions with particles of silver different in the
size) without use of toxic reagents. Synthesis of nanoparticles of silver carried out a method of
liquid-phase chemical sedimentation from solutions of salts of silver where as reactants served
salt of nitrate of silver (AgNO3, х. ч.) ammonia concentrated (25 %), ascorbic acid (C6H8O6,
х. ч.) Concentration in water AgNO3 solution made 0,05 mol/l, and concentration of ascorbic
acid within 0,025 mol/l – 0,5 mol/l. рН changed from 5 to 12.
Key words |
the nanostructured materials, silver nanopowders, synthesis of precursors of
silver, restoration of nanopowder of silver, sedimentation method from solutions, synthesis of
composite powder of silver, bimodal structure of a material. |
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