Article name Dynamic and Emissivity Characteristics of Inter-Atomic Dipoles of Metals in the Model of the Van Der Waals Interactionn
Authors Machikhina , () I.O. Senior teacher of General Physics Department,
Kholodovsky V.Y. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 533/93
Article type
Annotation In the model of Van der Waals interactions, expressions are obtained for the average spectral characteristics of sub-atomic dipoles for metals with bcc and fcc lattices. It was made a formula and calculations emissivity of the surface layer of crystals of Na and Al.
Key words dynamic model, dipole, crystal lattice, Coulomb force, spectral response decomposition, emissivity.
Article information
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Full articleDynamic and Emissivity Characteristics of Inter-Atomic Dipoles of Metals in the Model of the Van Der Waals Interactionn