Article name Optimal placement of Drainage Under the Concrete Dam with an Elliptical Base2
Authors Kholodovsky S.Y. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Yefimova I.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 532.546
Article type
Annotation The problem of fluid filtration under impermeable dam is considered. The base of the dam has the shape of an ellipse, where there is drain. Drain capacity is given. Fluid levels on the left and right of the dam are different. Filtration area is unbounded from below. Optimal drain coordinates at which the rate of filtration at the point of exit of water in the tailrace is zero.
Key words liquid filtration under the dam, the optimum location of the point of drainage, the method of singular points of the potential, the mixed boundary value problem for the Laplace operator.
Article information
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Full articleOptimal placement of Drainage Under the Concrete Dam with an Elliptical Base2